Monday, 2 April 2012


There are so many Trends one needs to follow in this day and age to ensure that you are on track with the world. Having said that, what does the word Trend actually mean? Well a dictionary definition says - it's the general direction in which something is developing or changing. To me the world is evolving at such a rapid pace that at times I just want to stop the world from spinning on it's axis so I could get off for a few minutes to compose myself. I mean really, all this spinning is messing with my perfectly coiffed look and my hair doesn't just fall into place, it takes work.

With the new nano technology being tested it is believed the iPhone5 will have this technology
Just the other day I was educated about a few things to do with Technology. Did you know that there is new technology that is currently being tested especially for iPhone users? This technology will specifically excite those who have accidentally dropped their iPhone causing it to crack. The new nano technology is currently being tested so when this happens your phone will be able to "heal" itself and in essence repair the cracks. Sounds very "I Robot" to me. But if it simplifies our lives, then who am I to judge? As long as all it does is fix the cracks in the phone and not try to do anything else more sophisticated. This promise of Nano Technology is as it turns out not just an emotional one but indeed a practical one as Apple is already using the nano materials technology in iPhone's, it is what makes the touch screen work. So iPhone users, you are in for a treat!

An example of a location you can "fancy" the Hanging Pool @Joule Hotel Dallas
We are in a Technological World of iPads, Tablets and Smartphones where apps rule. If there is something specific you like, trust me, there is an app for it. I also recently discovered an app called Fancy. You may know about it already but this app blew my mind. You can log on to it and connect it to anyone of the many social platforms you already belong to and the idea behind it is search for your favorite items and "fancy" it. You can view what other people may have fancied and other people can also view items or places you have fancied. You can if you wish request a store closest to you to purchase the item or a holiday. Yes, it sounds like that fridge that will order items you are running low on from your nearest supermarket, is not that far from existence!

Michelle Lee Collins far left explaining the application of NEON
Let's be honest, we are naturally aware of Trends that pertain to fashion, bags and shoes but something else I recently experienced totally blew my mind! There are Trends that pertain to make-up too. I attended a MAC presentation of the spring 2012 make-up trends that are all the rage abroad. Of the 4 trends that was demonstrated, NEON, was my favorite! I love and embrace color and what Michelle Lee Collins, senior stylist for MAC demonstrated made me giggle with glee! There is no discrimination in colors, the bolder the better. Please note this is not for the faint hearted! (You have been warned) If you have been lucky to seen recent fashion shows or pictures of it, you would note that Neon is a very bold make-up trend. Lips that could stop traffic and eyes that can make a man's heart melt.

Having said that, by far my most favorite Trend for this season will have to be the shoe trend I saw from Wilde Alice, which is a sub branch of Queue shoes. Ladies be prepare to enjoy your winter shoe collection and at their prices one can without breaking bank afford to purchase and enjoy these shoes.

Oh be still my beating heart!

Go forth and enjoy your Trends, no matter which category you fit into.

Pic from the new Levi's Ad Campaign...