I recently read an article that was shared on Facebook by a friend of mine that had me in tears at the end and i felt compelled to blog about it.
A quick account of this story; its
about a young american teenager from a small town getting a controversial
article titled "if your are gay you can't be christian" from his
teacher to read and summarise.
The son grapples with how to tell his
christian mom who dislikes the gay life style that he in fact is gay. His
mother's dislike for the life style didn't take him by surprise, but what
became more difficult for him was how to deal with the reality of his family
life and how to "come out" to his parents but more importantly to his
mother. He did muster up the courage to tell his mother, she as expected "lost it" and he ran away from home to over night at a friends place. Before he left he wrote a note and left it behind for the mom that speaks of love and the unconditional love she is to have for him. The way he saw it his mom was so disgusted he only saw 1 option...to take his own life. This story rocked me to my core and was so beautifully and honestly written my tears fell freely.
This lead me down another train of
thought, the depth of love a mother has for her children knows no bounds. It is
true what I have heard said many times in the past that the worst pain for a
mother is not the actual birth but in fact the untimely passing of the child ahead of
the mother.
I have personally witnessed this pain in
the passing of my sister. That is the most I have seen and heard my parents cry. It's a pain no parent should ever experience similarly, a sight no child should witness.
So the question remains to be asked what
would you do and how would you react to your child should he or she "come
out" to you?
Personally...I would hug my son and let
him know he is loved by me and that whatever the life style he chooses he will
always be loved, a mother's love is, after all unconditional.